
Thank you for being here. Make yourself at home.

Who we are?

We are Odd family, I am Ellie, and I have two children, sometimes I and my husband Pete call them monsters. On our blog, in our article comments section and on our Facebook and Twitter page, you’ll find other parents who are dealing with the same issues you’re dealing with right now. When you become part of the Oddfamily community, you’ll experience what many of our parents say: “It’s like you’ve been looking in the windows of my house and know my family”.

I am proud mother of two children, and I am the author of this blog. Others often see me searching for socks, keys, discount non-perishables and a bathroom lock my children can not pick. I am a diaper changer. A caffeine addict. A doer of laundry. A lover of words. A tired, tired lady. I am that lady with the screaming kids throwing grapes, hitting each other and tossing magazines in the grocery store aisles is me. I am very happy woman and mother.

This is place where we share parenthood news from around the internet, we feature exclusive interviews you won’t find anywhere else and we tackle important issues within the parenthood community. We often blog about our own personal stories of triumph and sadness.

We are committed to providing the most comprehensive, ever-growing, information about children and how to deal with them. You won’t find generic advice about parenting. You won’t see tons of ads for kids’ clothing and toys. And we don’t have pictures of celebrity moms going grocery shopping. But what we do have is priceless: content you can use to help turn around your child’s behavior, right away.

We have read and shared a lot articles about parenting and below is what is of most importance:

Regulating Our Emotions as Parents

Our most important responsibility as parents is regulating our own emotions, which is essential for our children to learn to manage themselves.

Connecting with Your Child

From tantrums to texting, the secret of happy parenting is a close relationship with your child. Without that connection, we have little influence (”My kids won’t listen!”) and parenting becomes exhausting.

Coach Instead of Controlling

Coach, instead of trying to control, so your child WANTS to cooperate with you. Sure, you need to set limits–but if you set them with empathy and respect, you’ll find your child is much more likely to comply.

Have any question or want to share your story?

We welcome all comments and questions about the content and design of this blog.  While we have tried our best to make the site as easy-to-use as possible, we always appreciate input from users.  Whether you like something, see something missing, can’t find something, or just want to chat, please feel free to contact us.  If you have interesting story about your parenting, please feel free to join our conversation. We want to make sure the site continues to evolve and grow to meet your needs as best as it can.

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